
Win the Race Against AI-Driven Fraud

Written by
Eve Maler
Published on
August 13, 2024

The deepfake news just keeps coming. This time, a Ferrari exec managed to escape being fooled by a deepfake scammer by employing old-fashioned knowledge-based authentication.

With fraud getting a big boost from gen AI, I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be joining a panel with Loren Russon of Ping Identity and Kevin Lee of Sift on September 17 to discuss how we “win this race.” We’ll be diving deep into the ways AI is challenging the last decade’s worth of progress in biometrics-enhanced authentication, identity verification, and fraud detection.

I recently wrote a white paper on this challenge, now available for download: Authentication and AI: A Race Against Time. You’ll find stats about AI-powered fraud and strategies that both individuals and businesses can adopt. I hope this will give you some insights ahead of our panel discussion.

Register now, mark your calendar, grab some lunch, and join us for a conversation that’s sure to be both enlightening and actionable.

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