Our latest white paper, Consent Is Dead: How Can We Revive User-Powered Permissions?, is yours if you introduce yourself.
As Venn Factory wraps up its very first year and gears up for exciting things in 2025, I thought it would be a great time to share some of what we’ve been up to in the last few months.
The newly launched Death and the Digital Estate Community Group is dedicated to addressing one of the most sensitive topics in our increasingly digitized world. I was honored to be invited to co-chair the group along with Dean Saxe and Mike Kiser.
Among the compelling stories shared at the inaugural DADE meeting: an IAM practitioner in Japan recounted how a friend managed a family member's digital estate after their passing. We hope to find the patterns in such real-world experiences to help the industry develop better solutions.
It’s been a busy season for sharing my perspectives in public venues. Some highlights:
During Gartner week, I was pleased to host a very Texan BBQ party for the authorization community. Venn Factory co-sponsored this shindig with Strata Identity. I loved having people come together to geek out in person.
(To commemorate the occasion, we launched a limited-edition Venn Factory sticker. There are a few left – let us know if you want us to send you one!)
Breaking some news here: My recent Consent Is Dead blog series has now been fashioned into an extended-form white paper with some fresh evidence, along with actionable advice for identity pros about reviving user-powered permissions. We’ve also prepared a handy infographic. Download the paper from the website — or just get in touch.
Finally, I’m pleased to have added a second “Factory worker” – Jade Young, my stalwart BizDev Manager. She helps keep me sane and has wizard-level powers over content and communications. Thank you, Jade, and a formal welcome to the Factory!
Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2025.